Order Dancing at the Yurt:
an interfaith spiritual journey


A debut by Charles W. Pearl

I've always felt there has been some type of divine loving power guiding me when I was paying attention, and not just me, but everyone. I feel that everything that happens in life, the good and the bad, is a teaching for us that we need at the time.

At this stage of my life, every day, I try to be aware, to see, the divine in every person and thing. Everything is sacred.

Join Charlie on his lifelong journey on becoming one… with all.

An excerpt from the preface…

“Spiritual teaching is intrinsic in Charlie’s way of living, in the way he interacts with the world and his world of friends. Certainly, he is no missionary, but the values, the lessons, the options are laid out like a subtle buffet—take whatever you want, keep only that which you feel might be helpful to you.

The reader reaches a point of asking:

Am I reading a memoir or a subtle teaching on something of great worth to us all?

This book is about something deeper than one man’s interesting experiences and the people and dogs he has loved and the religions he has tried on, ever curious to discover how they fit. It is far broader than being a monk or a priest or a Baptist, Buddhist or Catholic or more than these or none of these at all.

It’s a book about love.

It’s a book with values and meanings, and teachings that sneak up on you. And my pal, Charlie Pearl, wrote it. I’m so grateful to him for that.”

-Preface written by Don Coffey

What People Are Saying


“Journalist, shade-tree philosopher, and chronicler of the spirit, Charlie Pearl in these personal reflections wears a coat of many colors – part memoir, part spiritual odyssey, part travelogue, part inventory of the heart. With honesty, humility, and great zest he leads us on an interfaith journey from Baptist to Baha’i to Buddhist, demonstrating convincingly that all faiths share a circumference equidistant from God. Along the way are engaging side trips that explore the stages of our celebrative dance through life. In sharing himself, he gives us a model of a life well and richly lived, one that each of us can profit from as we travel our own journeys.”

— Richard Taylor
Professor of English, former Poet Laureate of Kentucky,
and an author of numerous books.

“I first met Charlie Pearl when he interviewed me for a newspaper article, and after about five minutes I knew I liked him, and that we would be friends. Charlie is so unassuming, kind, and good, that if one has a halfway open heart, one cannot help but be drawn to him. Charlie is a rich man, because he is rich in relationships. He is also an honest man, both of which make this book worth reading. In these pages, he shares his quest for God and for truth, and the loving friendships that sustain and fuel it. If the reader doesn’t grow following Charlie on this journey, it’s the reader’s own fault.”

— Chuck Queen
Senior pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Frankfort, Kentucky and author of many books.